Where can you see a goat show, a 5-year-old kissing a snake, and a demolition derby? The Clermont County Fair!
Hi, Meghan here. I grew up in a small town in northern Ohio, near Youngstown. Believe it or not, I was in 4H and every year my parents, sisters and I looked forward to the county fair. I miss those days, so last weekend I convinced my friend to go with me to the Clermont County Fair.
I really just enjoy the people, sights and sounds of a the county fair. We met several really nice folks, including Jacob of Newtonsville, OH who showed off this pig that won a grand champion prize. Check out his picture. He and his sister raised 11 pigs and sold some at auction.
After wandering through the stables of goats, pigs, horses, and cows, we stopped for a show by the
Kent Family Magic Circus. The Kents tour four months of the year and both parents and all seven of the children get in on the act that includes magic, juggling, and several other random acts of skill -- like balancing a wheelbarrow on one's chin while climbing a step ladder (which, incidentally, was also previously balanced on the same chin).
Believe it or not, the highlight for me though was the goat show. Those goats were really stubborn about navigating the obstacle course! None of them seemed to want to walk across the seesaw or jump over the barricades. The competitors showed great poise, patience, perseverance and strength to get through it though.
We capped the night by witnessing a wild and crazy demolition derby in the grandstand. I'm not sure who ended up winning, but it was entertaining! That fair is over but the Boone County Fair is going on through Saturday.
You should check it out!